I believe I am proof that people with disabilities play a key role in our society and that they are able to adapt themselves to meet their environment, thus allowing them to lead full and productive lifestyles.
Lauren Barwick is a testament to everyone that achieving your dreams is possible.
Getting what you want in life is a conscious process. We all need guides to help with our journey. Lauren Barwick is such a gifted guide. She is intelligent, compassionate, empathetic, driven and accomplished. She is a teacher and mentor who demonstrates that life is about reaching for never ending self-improvement. As an athlete in the demanding sport of Dressage, Lauren became a Paralympic Silver Medalist in London in 2012, as well as a Gold and Silver Medalist in Beijing in 2008. And she is currently training for the 2016 Games in Rio. In addition she won Silver and Bronze in 2014 at The Worlds Equestrian Games.
Horses and guiding people are her passions. She has learned to use all the situations life has put in front of her to demonstrate faith and humbleness.
Lauren’s life journey includes growing up in a family with two siblings with physical and cognitive disabilities, 2 adopted children and numerous foster children. At the age of 22 while preparing to specialize in movie stunts with horses, Lauren had her life shattered when she broke her back leaving her completely paralyzed from the hips down. Keeping a positive attitude about life, Lauren overcame physical, emotional and financial hurdles. She has found great success in all facets of her life. All of these challenges have given her the opportunity to learn how to rise above and become an inspiring teacher and speaker—unafraid to share her deepest feelings and experiences to help others. Lauren continues to lead the highly successful Canadian Para-equestrian team and compete with outstanding success internationally.
Organizations and companies have an opportunity to engage this wonderful woman to speak before groups. Her talks include:
Identifying one’s purpose in life
Overcoming obstacles
Finding passion
Being both a student and a leader
Setting goals, values and strategy
Developing a commitment to honesty and integrity
Lauren can elaborate on any of the following:
Living each day
Staying in the present
Adopting an attitude of gratitude
We get what we focus on…either good or bad
Our words create our reality
Choosing friends and working students, creating community, how to inspire people to join the journey
Significant others, supporting, knowing when to say goodbye, self preservation
Surrounding ourselves by people who inspire, motivate and support our goals
If you don’t know where you’re going any road will get you there
Staying on purpose
Being okay with choosing a different path, it does not mean you are a failure
Principles and Values
The key to good decision-making
Structuring life- having balance
Measuring results and feelings
Handling Disappointments
When one door closes
Life is a learning experience
Dealing with situations that are out of your control
By example rather than dictates
You can never say thank you enough
Living your dream
Sharing joy
Giving back
Internal and external
Measuring against mission
As an engaging presenter, Lauren doesn’t lecture—instead she tells stories—stories about her life, her triumphs, her disappointments. She is an ambassador for international companies such as Parelli Natural Horsemanship, and the Royal Bank of Canada’s Olympians program. Lauren has spoken over hundreds of times to groups large and small. No one leaves the room without a feeling of awe, humility and a renewed commitment to learning to live life. Be prepared to be shocked, to laugh and to cry.
To book this outstanding woman, horsewoman and speaker contact Lauren
- 2015 Speaker and demonstration for Parelli Foundation at the International PATH Conference
- 2014 Speaker for Parelli Foundation Dinner Fundraiser
- 2013 Speaker at the International PATH Expo Tampa Florida
- 2013 Honorary Chair of Annual Fund Raiser White Mud Equestrian facility
- 2013 Volunteer Coaching at White Mud Equestrian facility in Edmonton
- 2012 Judging Florida National Special Olympics
- 2012 Speaking to children in schools in Canada
- 2010 Carried the Olympic Torch for the final leg to Langley Lauren's hometown in front of 16,000 people.
- 2010 Carried the Paralympic Torch.
- 2009 Parelli Celebrations (Motivation Speaker in USA, Australia, England)
- 2005 - 2006 Lions Club/Rotary International Conference: Motivational Guest Keynote Speaker
- 2004 - 2007 Athlete Representative Canadian Para-Equestrian Committee
- 2004 - 2007 Athlete Representative Canadian Para-Equestrian Hi Performance Committee
- 2003 - 2005 Rick Hansen Foundation ``Board Member of the Wheels in Motion``
- 2003 Pacific Riding for the Disabled Association Motivational Speaker
- 2002 Present Workers Compensation Board: Speaking on behalf of injured workers
- 2001 - 2007 Rick Hansen Foundation Spokesperson
- 2001 - 2006 Chamber of Commerce Members
- 2001 - 2002 Sam Sullivan Society Coordinator, New Tetra Chapter
- 2000 - 2002 DSA: Assisted with Disabled Sailing
- 2000 August UBC Phyisio and Recreational Therapist Motivational Speaker