Western, English, Dressage, Horsemanship—one is not right and the others wrong—it just depends on your focus.

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Horsemanship Foundation Training at Bridging the Gap supports the needs of horses from all realms and disciplines. Lauren and Fabian’s goal is to help give your horse the start or restart they need to create a great partnership with their person.

Their Foundation Training begins from the ground where the horses work with obstacles such as pedestals, logs, teeter-totter, water challenges to build a well-rounded horse. Then they are ridden in the arena, as well as through these obstacles, on roads, and trails. It does not matter if the horse is going to be in competitions or ridden as a pleasure horse.

Through this Relationship Based Horsemanship training process, your horse will be Calmer, Safer, Braver, more Athletic—and your relationship will deepen.

Monthly Horsemanship Foundation Training:
Our goal is to help you and your horse. We are willing to work with whatever your needs are, and will tailor a training program for you and your budget. Contact us to discuss your goals and pricing.

January 4-5, 2025, Saturday & Sunday
Liberty Workshop
2 Day Workshop: 9:00am—1:00pm

January 25-26, 2025, Saturday & Sunday
Rider Biomechanics Workshop Saturday AM
1 Day Workshop: 9:00am—1:oopm
Contact Workshop Saturday PM
1 Day Workshop: 2pm—5:00pm
Rider Biomechanics Workshop Sunday AM
1 Day Workshop: 9:00am—1:oopm

February 1, 2025, Saturday
Arena Dynamics Workshop
1 Day Workshop: 9:am—1:00pm

February 21-23 2025, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Finesse Clinic
3 Day Clinic: 9:am—5:00pm

March 8, 2025, Saturday
Cantering Workshop
1 Day Workshop: 9:am—1:00pm

April 11-14, 2025, Friday thru Monday
End of Season Intensive
4 Day Intensive: 9:am—5:00pm

Lessons: $80/hr.  Discounts for Weekly Lessons. Contact me
Leasing one of my horses and equipment for lessons are available.

Contact me to arrange for a lesson. email or text (352) 895-4048

Bridging the Gap Horsemanship Clinics begin each day with a theory lecture, then a group mounted session exploring the concepts presented, followed by individual private lessons in the afternoon. Lauren ensures that you understand what each refinement feels like, and are able to go home knowing what you and your horse are capable of. Lauren likens her clinic to, “Speed dating. The idea is I want you to leave with lots of concepts. I want you to get a feeling for these concepts so you can go home and play with them.”

Lauren introduces freely forward, transitions without reins, soft feel/soft touch, rhythm and relaxation, stretching, and biomechanics of horse and rider—as well as building confidence in horse and rider. Both the pleasure rider who wants to help their horse use themselves better, and the more advanced rider who wants to enhance their foundation in refinement, finesse and Dressage, English or Western, will greatly benefit.

Students of all levels, all disciplines, and whether new to refinement or dedicated Dressage riders will find Lauren inspiring, encouraging, and incredibly approachable with a great sense of humor.

Hosting a Clinic:
Host rides for free in exchange for use of an appropriate facility with adequate seating and stabling; advertising and promotion of clinic; registration of participants and spectators; and arranging for adequate help for set-up and during the clinic.

Hosting Fees:
$375 per person – 2 day Clinic
$560 per person – 3 day Clinic
$750 per person – 4 day Clinic
$875 per person – 5 day Clinic
Additional costs: Accommodations for Lauren; facility fee; to be determined

Contact me to specialize your Clinic to your group of participants. I am open to other arrangements.

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Lauren offers workshops at her own facility, Bridging the Gap, in Central Florida and at host facilities across North America and Europe.

At Lauren’s Bridging the Gap Farm:
Workshop series of 4 to 6
4-5 hours long
$130.00 per workshop. Sign up for 3 or more then $125.00 each. No refund if you miss a workshop—however you can make up the workshop with a one-hour private lesson.

Offsite Workshops (within driving distance)
4-5 hours long, require a minimum of 4 people
$130.00 per person

Workshop Audit Fee: $20.00

A unique opportunity to create your own personalized custom training program for advancing your finesse— your way. You and your horse, Western or English. These personal Intensives are one on one with you and your horse at your level at Lauren’s.

Choose from 2 to 5 days a week, 1 to 4 weeks duration.. Then you choose how many hours each day you want lessons—from 1 to 3 hours per day. Finally you choose what Savvys you want to work on, and in what order.

In addition to the personalized private lessons, each day there will be a fun group play session, and an opportunity to watch Lauren play and train her own horses.

This is a great opportunity for the Pleasure rider wanting to help their horse use themselves better, and for the more advanced rider who needs to check off all the prerequisites with excellence so advancement is easy.

Lessons: $65 with a minimum of 7 lessons over several days. Can do 1 or 2 lessons per day Contact